About Me

Two years ago I graduated college with my MBA and like many of you found a desk job. My days started out as the typical 8 hour days but soon 12 plus hours became the norm. Along with those 12 plus hour days came sacrifices… less time with my friends and family; less time in the gym and ultimately a total neglect of my health. I went from being 5' 4" and 135 pounds to 5' 4"and 152 pounds.

This blog is my labor of love and my promise to myself to reclaim my health, not because I want to be skinny. Rather it is because I want to be healthy, I want to have more energy and I want to feel alive!

My story is the story of millions of women across the world and I hope that through this blog, we can find inspiration in each other and motivate each other in a journeys to be F-It Girls.