Celebrate Your Today

This morning as I looked myself in the mirror, I paused for just a few seconds longer than usual. Why…? Because I realized that I loved the person staring back at me. Yes, I am starting to see the inches shed because I have been working hard in the gym and in the kitchen to make that happen. I am excited to see the small yet marked improvements, but the love wasn't just about the physical. 

As I looked myself in the mirror, I saw my soul, both beautiful and imperfect all at once. Then, just like I was proud of myself for the marked improvements in my physical being, I was proud of myself for the improvements in my humanity; in my spirit and in my character. No matter how small the improvement, knowing that I am a better me than I was yesterday is worth celebrating. I guess that is why the wise ones say "life is about the journey and not the destination."

As we reflect on our lives and our goals, be they physical, spiritual or even seemingly superficial, we should ask ourselves "Have I grown? Am I a better person?" If the answer is yes, then at least we know that we are headed in the right direction and we will leave this earth better than we found it. That is peace of mind.

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